Episode 26: Elen [END]~ A weird ending..lots of possible interpretation including Lelouch in the theories ~ The final fight begins as Elen and Reiji fight agains Sycthe Master and his girls. I was really disappointed because I thought that the fight between the girls and their predecessors would put up much of a fight. It was not! Zwei and Ein had an easy time to dispatch their counterparts.Moving forward with the disappointment, it's very amazing to watch Reiji and Elen's superhuman movement speeds. They were able to move so so so so so so fast and could easily catch up with the girls.Elen proceeded to face Sycthe Master while Reiji finished off the girls. Elen declared that she will kill Sycthe Master. She dropped her gun upon realizing that Master would only want to test out his new masterpieces. The two ladies with master had a little fun with Elen but she managed to finish them off using only hand to hand combat. Similarly, Reiji finished off the remaining two and felt bad about using Cal as decoy. Well, not technically Cal but Cal's pocket watch.With his ladies down and Master already left alone, it was very surprising that Master surrendered to Elen. He again used his words against Elen as he pointed out Ein and Zwei's difference. Ein can only shoot under orders while Zwei can shoot intentionally. But he was really wrong because Elen shot her, claiming that she will not forgive anyone who will hurt Reiji. Yeaahh..finally...Master is DEAD! After shooting, Elen cried and fell in Reiji's arms.I hope everything ended here but it was not!!!!!!6 months later...Elen and Reiji went out to discover the past of Elen. To start of, they investigated Scythe Master's information:Name:Helmut von GiuseppeBorn:BerlinEducational Attainment:Doctoral Degree in Psychology and Brain PsychologyExpertise:He is an expert in interrogation and brainwashing. He entered the underworld and acted as a middlemen for assassins.How he met Elen:Master adopted Ein from an orphanage in Hong Kong. According to the orphanage, the girl he adopted came from Ulan Bator, Mongolia.So that's it! Mongolia would be their starting point. While searching for clues, they found an old man on the street and told them that if one is really from Mongolia, he/she would never ever forget the sky and the cloud of Mongolia. They went out to the grasslands and Elen reached out her hands to the sky and claims that she has memories of this place. As the episode ends, Elen said that she is just contented with her current memories as Elen for Reiji. Reiji is on the other hand is determined to bring back Elen's true smile.The suddenly, a man in the cart passed by and a gun shot was heard and Reiji suddenly fell dead. As the credits roll, we can see Ein lying motionlessly in the ground.Issues about the ending:There are lots of different theories about the ending of Phantom:~ It was Ein who shot her~ It was the cart person killed her~ Ein is dead~ Ein is not deadBut here is the best theory of all:~ It was Lelouch who killed Reiji. Remember the same cart issue with Code Geass? ~ Phantom's ending is parallel to the Zero Requiem. Thus the title Phantom: Requiem of the Phantom.Amidst all of these, my interpretation is:~ We really cannot see who killed Reiji. It really is very hard to determine since the angle closed up to the cargo and not to the man driving the cart. Since the cargo was closed up, the view of Reiji and Ein was also covered. ~ I believe that Ein is dead. Generally, I believe that the ending is OPEN. So we will all have our own interpretations to the ending.What's yours interpretation? Care to share?
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