Oh, it's double post today.
I was so busy, so I postpone my posts.
So, first of all, happy lunar new year or chinese new year for you who celebrate. Akemashita omedetou gozaimasu!
Back to the music. For some people, friends might not considered as 'love', so it might not fit the 'valentine' theme. But I found that most of Japanese manga/anime/film/games valued friends and friendship just in the same way as they valued love stories.
So I decided to bring up this soft music because I think to younger people, friendship in Naruto is something that inspired them. I saw many fan art based on "team" or just the whole kids of Naruto were drawn.
Anyway, the music is not so hard. I am expecting Beginners to try with whatever instruments you have. This is still the best to play as group, however, performing as duo (accompaniment and main solo) are also creating the same effect. If guitarist is not available, a pianist or keyboardist should be able to take care the accompaniment section.
Have fun! E N J O Y!!!
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